Our Worship

Worship at Christ Ev. Lutheran Church is…

Distinctively Lutheran- Our worship is liturgical and follows an order of service printed within our hymnal (Lutheran Service Book). Every Sunday we receive the gift of the Lord’s Supper in the Divine Service of Holy Communion following the common order of service (Setting III in the LSB). The hymns that we sing are based on biblical texts, true to what we believe, teach, and confess, and have withstood the test of time. We follow the liturgical year and the historic lectionary of the church.

Sacramental- Christ has given to His Church on earth His precious gifts of the Sacraments. Jesus promises that where two or more are gathered in His name, there He is with them. Most especially, Jesus promises to be with us bodily when we celebrate the Lord’s Supper, where He gives to His Church His very body and blood for the forgiveness of sins. Because Christ promises to truly be present with us, our worship is reverent, that is, what we say and do is deliberate and respectful for Christ’s presence with us. 

Christ centered- Above all else, all that we say, sing, pray, and do is centered around Christ and what He has done for us. Our hymns sing about Christ, our sermons are about Christ, and our worship is directed towards Christ. 

What if I don’t know what to do?

If you are having trouble following along during the service, do not get frustrated. It is all right if you just sit back, observe, and listen to the service. The Lord promises that He blesses us when we hear His Word. 

Are children allowed to stay during worship?

Absolutely! Children of all ages are highly encouraged to attend worship. “Let the little children come to me”, says our Lord. Just like adults, children need to hear the words of Jesus during the Church service. Children may be fussy at times, but don’t be discouraged. It is a blessing that your children are at worship and the congregation understands the frustrations of having a child sit still. If you need to step out for a minute, there is a child’s nursery room in the rear of the church. 

What if I have never been baptized?

In Holy Baptism our Triune God washes away sins, rescues us from death and the devil, and gives eternal salvation to all who believe these promises. Holy Baptism is the means by which one is born again, bestowed with the Holy Spirit, and brought into the Christian faith. If you have never been baptized, please speak with the Pastor as soon as possible so that he may talk to you about this wonderful gift of God! 

May I receive Holy Communion?

For your spiritual wellbeing, the Pastor at Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church asks you to speak with him before you receive Holy Communion for the first time at our Church. He is glad to speak with you before service or any other time of your convenience.